Tenemos nueva lona para utilizar en ferias, talleres u otros eventos. Esta lona está dedicada a la fauna esteparia, animales tan desconocidos como amenazados. Hemos querido representar a aves como la avutarda, el aguilucho cenizo o la hubara canaria; mamíferos como la comadreja y otros animales como la culebra de escalera o la abeja; además de las cajas nido que colocamos para control de plagas con rapaces.
We have a new banner to use at fairs, workshops or other events. This banner is dedicated to the steppe fauna, animals that are as unknown as they are endangered. We wanted to represent birds such as the Great Bustard, Montagu’s Harrier or the Canary Houbara Bustard, mammals such as the weasel and other animals such as the ladder snake or the bee, as well as the nest boxes that we set up with birds of prey to control pests.