Where does my pizza come from?
What do we need? Let’s have a look at the ingredients.





What do you need to do?
We challenge you to think about the origin of the ingredients and create an artistic expression work that represents them (either all of them or just one) from their production to their appearance on the pizza: landscapes, methods of obtaining, resources used, selection, transportation, sale… Represent one of these steps or, even better, everything you consider you can depict about that ingredient from its creation to its arrival on your pizza!
How can you do it?
You can use any format or technique. Classrooms can work by dividing the ingredients among the participants and presenting either an individual result, a group result, or a set of individual results.
Who can participate?
People of any nationality.
Both individual and group works are accepted:
- Category 6-9 years
- Category 10-14 years
- Participants over 15 years old (including teachers)
- Category: Adults with functional diversity
What and how to submit?
Murals, drawings, or digital image files.
Scan or take a photo and send it to educacion@grefa.org, indicating the municipality, name, and age of the participant(s).
What happens when you submit your entry correctly?
In addition to confirming your participation in the contest, you will receive a code to access and download educational materials about the different ingredients and their origin.
Why this contest?
In our daily lives, we see that the younger generation often doesn’t connect their daily consumption with the natural resources of the planet.
Submission Deadline
The deadline is May 14, 2024.
Final Exhibition and Award Ceremony in June 2024
We will hold a final exhibition with all the works, and the best ones will be posted on the website.
The classroom or the best participants will receive the sponsorship of an unrecoverable barn owl from GREFA.. you will get to know its story and give it a name!