We thank these collaborating groups for their work.

Know more about them and their work:

In this course of the Liceo Training Programme, we are going to work with the Audiovisual Communication degree students.
We have held training sessions on how to organise the work and this will be translated into visits to practice photography and to make a presentation that illustrates different themes of interest in this project.

As part of their course these students will first visit GREFA’s Wildlife Rescue Centre to learn about the steppe biodiversity and sustainability projects. This will be their main collaboration to serve as a guide for other groups of participants.

They will also work on the design of the project’s logo and participate in the contest « Where does my pizza come from? ».

Groups of children, aged 6-12, who have been learning different aspects of the project at GREFA’s Wildlife Rescue Centre. Using various tools and sets, the educators have helped them to create their own script and video production. A great job to show what they are capable of.

We visited this school to work with 3 classrooms and their teachers on an activity about steppe bird biodiversity. An example of work carried out on the same content from 3 to 12 years old.

After a training session on the educational resources of a recovery centre, we invited them to reflect on the need to address the origin of food for consumption from the early childhood stages and how this could be done.

Second year students of the Higher Degree in Forestry and Natural Environment Management. They came for a visit to learn more about the Biological Control of Voles project and to make nest boxes to place in steppe areas.

They came to visit, to learn more about the project and the steppe birds. They were also able to practise their great hobby painting the birds in the centre.

She is a volunteer and collaborator of the Biological Control of voles at GREFA. You can find her as @sofipintaamano on Instagram.

Foundation for adults with intellectual disabilities. We have done several online sessions and activities with them. They have an arts project, MIRAR, for which they have created some « bird huggers ». They have several centres in Castilla y León.

Students of the Higher Degree in Landscaping and Rural Environment at the Capacitación Agraria School in Villaviciosa de Odón, share with us their project « Countryside, gastronomy and health ».

School participating in the ‘Sustainable Schools’ programme.

Nous avons collaboré avec cette école secondaire en participant à leur Semaine du Volontariat en juin 2024, en réalisant des activités créées dans le cadre du projet Docendo Discimus.

Un berger traditionnel qui pratique la transhumance et qui a voulu partager avec les enfants ce qu’est son travail avec les moutons.

A traditional transhumant shepherd who wanted to share his work with the children.

Ferme d’agriculture biologique in Cévennes. Les élèves ont pu visiter leur ferme et ont été inspirés pour réaliser les activités suivantes. @lafermeducampet

Organic farm in Cévennes. Students visited the farm and were inspired to carry out the following activities.


La vigne y est cultivée depuis cinq générations par la famille Coulet, depuis 2022, ne produit plus que du vin biologique. Les élèves ont pu visiter la cave et les vignes pour découvrir le quotidien et les défis d’un viticulteur.

A winegrowing estate located in Causse de la Selle, which has been making wine for five generations and since 2022 has only been producing organic wine. The students were able to visit the winery and the vineyards to learn about the day-to-day life and the challenges faced by a winegrower.

Il s’agit d’une ferme caprine comptant plus de 300 chèvres, principalement dédiée à la production de fromage. Le propriétaire, Sébastien, est un agriculteur très soucieux de l’environnement. Il souhaitait inviter les élèves à découvrir le travail dans un tel endroit.

A goat farm with more than 300 goats, mainly dedicated to the production of cheese. The owner, Sébastien, is very concern about caring  for the environment and wanted to invite the students to see what it is like to work in such a place.

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