CRA La Besana. Villalar de los Comuneros. Valladolid. Students learn about the fauna and crops characteristic of their village. Afterwards, they help by putting up nesting boxes for birds and bumblebees.
El Pino de Obregón Special Education School. Valladolid. Students learn about pollinators and go to look for them in the river Esgueva. In addition, they will compare the stretch of river that passes through the city with the one that is more naturalised. Will they find the same thing?
Colegio Maristas, Vallisoletano Cultural Centre. Valladolid. Students learn about biodiversity and help pollinators by building insect shelters.
Agricultural Training Centre in Villaviciosa de Odón. Students from the Higher Degree in Environmental Education and Control learn about biodiversity and design environmental games that can be used by other groups.
CEIP Alonso Berruguete, Paredes de Nava (Palencia). Students from primary school learn about biodiversity and teach it to others through presentations and a field notebook.
University of Valladolid (Castilla y León). Students from the Pre-school Education Degree propose games to teach biodiversity to young children between 4 and 7 years old.
Secondary School Simone Veil in Paracuellos de Jarama (Madrid). Research project on pellets related to Biological Control with raptors
Primary School Simone Veil, Torrejón de Velasco (Madrid). Knowledge of birds associated with agricultural environments and conservation measures for nesting areas by restoring historic buildings.